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Tips for managing your oral health – Mental Health Awareness Week 2024

13 May 2024

When it comes to Mental Health Awareness, we know what kind of posts to expect online:-

Have a cup of tea, run a warm bath, do some arts and crafts!

Even dental posts have a tendency to put a lot of pressure on us to be perfect with our oral health routines. But when we are struggling with our mental health, or in times of crisis, self-care is one of the first things to fall to the bottom of your personal to-do list.

So what can you do about it?

These tips have been handpicked by the Beautiful Smiles Team to help you feel your best when the going gets tough.

Mouthwash for the mind and mouth

Whilst mouthwash isn’t a substitution for a toothbrush and toothpaste, it does a great job at destroying harmful bacteria that linger around your teeth and gums. It also removes any yucky taste in your mouth from medications and keeps your breath fresh!

It can also be a brilliant self-help tool. The strong flavour of some mouthwashes can be used to distract and ground you when intrusive thoughts start to come in. Swish it around until the thoughts simmer down for a clearer mind and mouth!

Hydration without the unrealistic goals!

Yes drinking 2 litres of water per day is ideal, but sometimes we just need to get by, and that’s okay! By sipping on water throughout the day, you are hydrating your body, but also doing a lot of good for your teeth.

Many medications  for mental health conditions can have side effects like dry mouth. So sipping water to rehydrate your mouth helps protect you from cavities, bad breath and keeps your mouth more comfortable.

Chewing gum is good!

Sugar-free chewing gum does great things for your mouth. By stimulating saliva production, we combat dry mouth and reduce acidity levels. Saliva also contains minerals that help to strengthen your teeth!

This is also another great distraction technique against intrusive thoughts. Pop in a new piece of gum and count how many chews it takes for the flavour to go completely! Just be careful not to overdo this one, as it can cause some pain in the jaw joint if overused!

Don’t feel bad about your brushing!

We all know that brushing twice per day is the best option, but when we are struggling, we often forget or lack the motivation to look after ourselves.

If you can find the energy to brush your teeth around 30 minutes after dinner, you’ll be doing yourself a favor by clearing away all the food debris from the day. Plus, you won’t have to worry about feeling too tired before bedtime and accidentally falling asleep before getting a chance to brush!

Nourishing your teeth and mind

Appetites can take a big hit when you aren’t feeling 100%, though it is still important to fuel your body whilst being mindful of your teeth.

Certain foods like carrots, cheese, breadsticks, yogurt, apples, and almonds all have different benefits to your oral health, by either providing vitamins and nutrients or acting to physically move debris away from the teeth when you eat them!

These are just a few ways to help you maintain your oral health during hard times, but remember…

Small steps towards wellness make a big difference


If you think your oral health has been negatively affected by your mental well-being, contact us on 0116 444 9111 and have a chat about coming in for a Dental Health Check.


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